Створити резюме

Medical solutions sales manager

Опис роботи

A client of the VoodooSales Talent Head Hunting Agency - supplying products and equipment to hospitals, private clinics, drug octiseptics and medical devices to pharmacies for equipment maintenance and repair. The company is not only a supplier of products, but also an expert in its fields. The company is currently strengthening its position in the market, so a sales professional who wants to work with the medical and pharmaceutical sector is invited to join the team.

Вид роботи

This position is responsible for overseeing and promoting dental and beauty subdistribution, as well as working with pharmacy wholesalers.
main features:
- communicate directly with sub-distributors (distributors) in the field of beauty and dental services;
- train to sell more efficiently and more, add new product groups to products
cart, evaluate their sales changes and respond accordingly;
- to prepare and improve the documentation that is part of the proposed package for dental, medical and beauty services;
- to communicate with pharmaceutical wholesale companies regarding the distribution of products, to negotiate the introduction of new products;
- Search for new business customers - distribution / service companies, larger business companies and manufacturing companies that can use the products.

Вимоги до співробітників

Successful experience in sales, customer search and working with existing customers;
Good negotiation skills;
Desire to improve your knowledge and broaden your horizons;
Chemistry, physics or biomedical education - an advantage;

Необхідні мови

Писання: Чудово
Бесіда: Чудово
Розуміння: Чудово
Писання: Добре
Бесіда: Добре
Розуміння: Добре

Компанія пропонує

Opportunity to grow together with a reputable company in the market;
Ability to work with reliable products and solutions that facilitate the work of medicine;
Company car (can also be used for personal purposes);
A particularly motivating annual bonus system that depends on the goals achieved.

Компанія voodoo.lt (fortune it), ЗАТ
Зарплата 1600 - 3000 Eur на руки, нетто

Передбачені додаткові бонуси за результативність

Галузь роботи Продажі, менеджер з продажу, Медицина, Аптека, ліки, Обслуговування клієнтів
Місто Вільнюс
2022-03-04 12:09:15
Дійсний до 2024-03-30


Вимоги до компетенції

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Компанія voodoo.lt (fortune it), ЗАТ
Зарплата 1600 - 3000 Eur на руки, нетто

Передбачені додаткові бонуси за результативність

Галузь роботи Продажі, менеджер з продажу, Медицина, Аптека, ліки, Обслуговування клієнтів
Місто Вільнюс
2022-03-04 12:09:15
Дійсний до 2024-03-30

Ваші нещодавно переглянуті оголошення про роботу

voodoo.lt (fortune it)
Medical solutions sales manager
Продажі, менеджер з продажу
Від: 1600 до 3000 Eur (на руки, нетто)
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